itziar urrutia artist drawings
itziar urrutia artist drawings
DEAT MEAT #1 &#2 (2000). Mixed media on paper. 59 x 42 cms x 2.
itziar bilbao urrutia artist
itziar bilbao urrutia artist
GOLDEN  HILL - GOLDEN BALL (1998). C-prints of 35mm photos. 42 x 29 cms x 2.

itziar bilbao urrutia artist
itziar bilbao urrutia artist
The hanged woman and the wild woman in res (2021).  Red ink on hand made mulberry tissue paper. 59 x 89 cms each.

MR & MRS SEX (2000) - Diptych. Mixed media on paper. 29 x 30 cms x 2.